
Yeah, I know it has been a while. You know it's not too easy to balance out a life that involves morning sickess, work, cooking and extreme fatigue. Again, everything paid off when we got to see the baby in the ultrasound. With the hands and legs and everything! Yeah ! It's human! And growing and stuff. While undergoing one of my "mood swing" phases, I was thinking about how much I have really "accomplished" in life.
So here is the list of the things I have done and the things I am yet to do.
Get so wasted that I dont remember a thing the next day.
Write a book.
Stop swearing for a few months at least.
Finish ten masters degree.
Not be impulsive.
Start my own practice of counselling.
Try Mushrooms.
See Grand Canyon during Sunset.
Have absolutely nothing on my mind.
Appear on a hugeass Billboard.
Be a man for a day.
Be the funnest mom ever.
Adopt a kid/ sponsor kid's education.
Watch the launch of the space shuttle.
Spend New Year's in an exotic location.
Write my will.
Buy my own house and then spend time making it into exactly what I want.
Bomb North India.