Conversations with Pri-I

The human brain is faster than a calculator is when it comes to “calculating” situations. When we are in a situation, the human mind computes rapidly, without even the process being a conscious one. The end result of these micro mini processes are called “choices”. The choices that we make lead to sub choices that in turn lead to other choices and so on. At every point in a day we make hundreds of choices starting from something as trivial as whether to have a bath or not to whether or not to divorce your spouse. This primary choice has an effect on the choices you have in the next level.
Choices can be broadly categorized under 2 types :
1. Rational- This is the most “wise” type of choice. A situation is presented to you and you take some time off and think about it back and forth. “Wise” here is a relative term that essentially means that you will benefit from this choice (materialistically, emotionally or spiritually) and doesn’t have a negative impact on you, directly/ indirectly. For eg: a realtor shows you the best house for the best price in a great place with a friendly neighbourhood. A rational choice maker would tell him he d get back to the realtor and would go home and research about the house, weigh his options, look at the pros and cons and then decide accordingly. A rational thinker is seen to have a set of principles he will NEVER give up.
2. Instinctive- These choices are otherwise known as “Impulsive” choices. People who make these kind of choices act quickly from which they may or may not benefit. Besides, this type of choice has the highest risk of negative impact, which can be long term. For eg: A friend forces you to do drugs. In one of your vulnerable situations, you give in. An instinctive choice maker is likely to repeat his actions. They tend to have a flexible set of principles and tend you “rationalize” their actions by going around their principles. They also think short term.
In psychology, it is said that the choices that an individual makes is based on how their Id, Ego and Super ego work.
• Id is that part of the consciousness that is animalistic. The individual whose id takes over is highly impulsive and “irrational”. For eg: If a boy wants a toy and his parents don’t get it for him, he might go to the extent of stealing money to buy it.
• Superego is that part of the consciousness that is highly principled. It fears being judged by the society and has strict boundaries. For eg: If an individual wants to smoke but sub consciously fears being judged, he might go to the extent of putting up “No smoking” posters to prove to the outside world that he is a “good” individual.
• Ego controls the dynamics of Id and super ego, so to say. It helps one decide make a “socially moral” decision. If Id takes over and gives in in a situation, Ego punishes it with feelings of guilt.
I guess what I m trying to say is, don’t be a dumbass and make choices that will hurt you in the long run.